How to cancel a car in Nevada?

To deregister a car in Nevada you must cancel the registration with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). It is essential that you do this before canceling the insurance.

It is a procedure that you can carry out in person, online or by mail. In this article we will explain all the options so that deregistering a car at the Nevada DMV is quick and easy for you..

How to cancel a car online in Nevada?

You can cancel the registration of a car that you sold or no longer use via the Nevada DMV website. Here is the step by step:

1. The procedure is carried out via MyDMV, an official DMV tool. You must have a username and password:

  • Click here if you do not already have a MyDMV account
  • Click here to log into your MyDMV account

2. Once you have entered, you will be able to report the cancellation of registration through the platform.

3. You must pay a fee whose amount will appear when completing the procedure.

4. The plates must be removed from the car you no longer use and you can use them on another vehicle or return them to a Nevada DMV office, in person or by mail.

During this process you can also complete the resale notification to notify the DMV that the vehicle no longer belongs to you, and not be responsible if the new owner abandons it.

IMPORTANT: Once this procedure is completed, you will not be able to process the circulation permit or license plate transfer for that same car online.

How to cancel a car in Nevada by mail?

To register a car at the Nevada DMV by mail, you must send the plates, the decal and a signed letter requesting cancellation to the following postal address:

Department of Motor Vehicles
Central Services Division
555 Wright Way
Carson City, NV 89711-0700

It is preferable, for security reasons, that you send the plates by certified mail with return notice. Be sure to include your correct address and phone number, in case they need to contact you.

Continue reading: How to register a car at the California DMV

How to register a car at the Nevada DMV in person?

Registering a car at the Nevada DMV in person is very simple. You must take the plates and sticker to any DMV office or to a County Assessor that offers vehicle registration service.

For this procedure you do not need to make an appointment.. You can hand in the plates directly at the information desk. Always make the return to an office employeenever leave them in mailboxes unless specifically indicated.

If you want to cancel a car but keep the special or personalized plates, as a souvenir, you must take the plates to a DMV office and remove the sticker in person.

Nevada DMV Offices Near Me

Find the office closest to your location to cancel a car:

In what cases should I deregister a car in Nevada?

You must carry out the registration cancellation procedure whenever:

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Should I cancel a car if I am going to transfer my license plates to another person?

In case you are going to give your plates to someone else, you must cancel the registration if the other person will not use the plates immediately. For it, complete the License Plate Release (SP 67).

The new owner of the plates must present the form when obtaining the original registration of the car. The previous registration will be canceled if it has not already been unsubscribed.

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What happens to registration fees when deregistering a car in Nevada?

When you register a car at the Nevada DMV, you may have a credit balance. This happens if you do it before the registration expiration date. You can use it to register or renew another vehicle in your name, paying a fee of $6.

There are those who qualify for a refund of the registration fee. The circumstances are limited and imposed by the State Legislature. At least one must be given:

  • Have recently given up your driver's license and no longer own the vehicle
  • The vehicle is not running (total loss) and you are not transferring the registration to another car
  • The owner of the vehicle is seriously ill or has died and the guardians or successors sold it.

NOTE: Only unused portions of registration fees, government and ancillary service taxes are refundable.

Do I have to return my license plates in Nevada?

You can keep your plates and use them on another vehicle. Otherwise, you must return them to the Nevada DMV.

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