How much does a car inspection cost in Maryland in 2024 and where is it done?

Vehicle inspection in Maryland is a mandatory procedure, which must be done both when purchasing used cars and new cars. For this reason, if you are going to buy a vehicle, you will be interested in knowing how much a car inspection costs in Maryland.

The cost of a car inspection in Maryland ranges between $65 and $120, depending on the season where it is carried out. On certain occasions promotions are offered and the car inspection can cost $50 or less.

The mentioned fee corresponds to the security inspection. Emissions testing is also required in fourteen of Maryland's 24 counties. The gas emissions check is done every two years and costs $14.

Maryland regulates the time a station can allocate to security review (between 60 and 90 minutes). However, the cost of labor is not regulated. All stations are required to display their fare in a visible place.

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Where is vehicle inspection done in Maryland?

Car inspection in Maryland is done in service centers supervised by the ASED (Automotive Safety Enforced Division), which is an agency of the Maryland State Police.

The selection criteria for granting licenses to these companies is extremely rigorous in terms of their facilities and trained personnel. Consumers dissatisfied with the reviews of their vehicles can complain to the ASED.

Inspection stations are connected to the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) through the Maryland Safety Inspection System. The results of the checkups are transmitted through this platform.

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Maryland Vehicle Inspection Near Me

In Maryland there are more than 1,600 authorized stations where car inspections are carried out.. On the following map you can find vehicle inspection points near you.

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Requirements for car inspection in Maryland

To perform vehicle inspection in Maryland It is necessary to present the following documents at the station:

It is important to take into account that Each station is authorized to inspect a specific type of vehicle., or several of them in some cases. Vehicles are classified into classes A, B, C, M, T and R.

Regular passenger cars belong to class A.limos, motorcycles, motor homes and trucks weighing 10,000 pounds or less, as well as trailers that do not have air brakes.

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How to do a car inspection in Maryland?

To have your vehicle inspected, you must first make an appointment with the station that suits you. Try to arrive on time on the scheduled day. Bring your car clean as well as the required documentation.

If your vehicle passes the test without any objections, the station will forward the report electronically to the MVA. Otherwise you will have to repair or correct what they tell you in the next 30 days. but before the car rolls 1,000 miles.

When you fix the damage you must return to the check station and request that the same mechanic attend to you. They will bill you a percentage of the fee you paid. The amount will depend on the service center and the part of the car they must inspect.

If the correction can be seen with the naked eye, you will not be charged.. But if you went over the allowed time, or traveled more miles than accepted, you will have to cancel a full review again.

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How often are car inspections done in Maryland?

Unlike other states in the USA, In Maryland, no periodicity is stipulated regarding security supervisions. These vehicle inspections are only mandatory when changing the name of the car and to carry out registration.

In the case of cars sold by dealers, they must take care of the inspections. But when it comes to a vehicle sale between individuals, it is up to the seller.

New residents of the state must also complete the safety inspection in order to register the car in Maryland. This procedure must be completed within 60 days after the move.

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What is the Maryland inspection?

The car inspection in Maryland consists of a thorough inspection. They check all the mechanical parts and other aspects such as lights, tires, seats, mirrors, bumper doors, and even the tinted windows, which cannot exceed a certain percentage.

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